Postnatal Doula

Jen has been an amazing help to us with our lovely newborn who has had such difficulties sleeping during the first couple of months. Jen helped with his sleep and allowed my husband and I some much needed rest when she stayed with us and gave us some amazing feedback afterwards which allowed us to move forward with our son. Thank you :)’’

’’Jen offered amazing and life changing advice, a shoulder to cry on and she altered my attitude from a helpless Mother who felt guilty about hating something she had wanted for so long to realising that I wasn’t doing anything wrong and that it would eventually pass. And it did but I definitely wouldn’t have made it through without her help and advice which took me from a dark place to loving every minute (well nearly every minute) of my special time with my son
— Emily

What does a postnatal doula / night nanny do?

I provide flexible and bespoke support to families so my role can be varied.

Some examples of the support I provide should give you more of an idea:

  • I provide emotional and physical support for families during this incredibly special time

  • I look after babies while mothers are catching up on rest/ sleep / work or anything they want to do.

  • I take babies on walks in a pram or sling in the local area, although some people prefer that we stay at home.

  • I can get babies ready for the day, bathe them and generally care for them ( I’m very experienced in caring for babies).

  • If a baby is asleep/ content in their bouncer etc. or with their mother I do household errands such as light cleaning, laundry and tidying up.

  • I make meals for the whole family with whatever you have at home.

  • I can go and get groceries and run errands.

  • I offer a ‘night nanny’ service where I can stay overnight at your home if you are in need of more sleep (what new parent isn’t!!). I will care for your baby throughout the night, taking care of bottle feeds (or bringing them to you for breastfeeds), nappy changing and settling, I will respond to all of their needs and support any routines you have in place. I typically stay with your baby downstairs or in the nursery/ spare room so you can get some well deserved, undisturbed rest! I even bring my own bedding with me. Wake up refreshed with a happy baby ready to start a new day!

My day time postnatal doula services are exclusively available to people that have hired me as their birth doula. Night Nanny support is available to all (dependant on dates and location).

Postnatal Doula Price: from £45 per hour - minimum session time: 3 hours

Night Nanny Price: from £400 per night dependent on hours.

My work is flexible in its nature so I can offer a variety of days and times that will suit your needs.  

We also used Jen for some post birth support. AMAZING… Jen is a delight to have around and just fits into your life. She will do anything you need help with… from looking after your baby so you can sleep to sorting out cupboards … I think I will book Jen every 6 months to keep my life in order. This support was invaluable as it allowed me the time to fully recover and gain confidence with my new baby. I highly recommend Jen and would work with her again in a heartbeat. Jen is caring and supportive and not in the slightest judgemental … she empowers you to do what you need to do and has become a friend in the process. Thank you Jen.
— Lucy