Breastfeeding Support

Breastfeeding support home visit

I have provided feeding support to hundreds of families, I love offering this service as I have seen what a profound difference it can make when it comes to life with a newborn!

As a highly trained breastfeeding counsellor I know that high quality, bespoke support is hard to come by. I will take the time to listen and support all baby feeding needs. The home visits are typically around 90 minutes which gives us time to discuss what challenges you have faced and how you would like feeding to look, I can observe a feed and I leave you with a plan you feel confident in implementing. I know that this kind of support can’t really wait: I work in a flexible way to ensure I fit in with you, I can typically offer home visits within days of you contacting me (sometimes the same day if I can make it work!).

As well as the home visit I offer a whole week of follow up support messages / voice notes.

Please fill out the contact form on my home page or contact me on 07734910070

Home visits and follow up support starts at £250

Breastfeeding education session

This is something that is often overlooked. Taking time to learn about feeding your baby can make such a massive difference to those early days. Understanding what’s ‘normal’ when it comes to how newborns breastfeed and how the woman’s body responds can be literally life changing. If we don’t understand normal newborn feeding then how can we feel confident feeding our babies?

One-to-one sessions which cover a wide range of topics such as responding to feeding cues, positioning and attachment, feeding challenges, how to recognise when things are going well or if you need more support, feeding on demand and feeding routines. I discuss all types of feeding including formaula feeding and combi feeding (a combination of breast and bottle).

The recommended session is 2.5 hours. This can be online or in your own home, before hand we will have a phone call where I work out how to tailor the session to your needs.

Starts at £350 for a 2.5 hour session