
Who is hypnobirthing for?

In short, I truly believe hypnobirthing birth preparation can benefit everyone! What words and images come to mind when you think of birth? I’m guessing there could be some negativity in there (if not – AMAZING!). In our culture, from a young age, we are conditioned to see birth as risky, painful, and something to fear. Hypnobirthing is about changing this harmful narrative. If you want to look forward to birth then my hypnobirthing courses are for you! The complete course provides full antenatal education and birth preparation. It’s based on loads of evidence around how our mindset affects the way we birth.

‘‘When you change the way you view birth, the way you birth changes’’

Marie Mongan (The developer of Hypnobirthing)

My course does not push for a certain ‘type’ of birth; the knowledge and the skills you gain will support all types of birth including if birth doesn’t go to your ‘plan A’. Let’s release fear and look forward to welcoming your baby!

How will you feel after one of my courses?

  • You look forward to birth and meeting your baby!

  • Your partner is on the same page as you - they get it!

  • You can confidently assert your wishes, knowing that your decisions are truly the best ones for you and your baby.

  • You have confidence in your body’s ability to birth - you know lots or practical skills that are going to support labour and birth.

  • You have become a pro at relaxation and breathing techniques - these will be invaluable when the big day arrives!

  • You intuitively know what sort of environment is going to support the birth you desire - Your partner knows haw to create this wherever you decide to birth.

  • Your confident that you’ve created a birth plan that covers all eventualities

When should I start a hypnobirthing course?

The skills we cover in the sessions can really reach their full potential if you have time to practice them. The more time you invest in preparing for your birth the better!  An ideal time to start Hypnobirthing is anywhere from 20 weeks up until around 32 weeks. If you would like more guidance around this please contact me.

What’s on offer?

  • The Complete Hypnobirthing Course 1-2-1 + Virtual Doula

    THIS IS NO ORDINARY HYPNOBIRTHING COURSE!! You will also find this on my doula page as this is a ‘Jen in your pocket’ virtual doula service!

    To navigate the current maternity system ongoing support is invaluable! That’s what you get with the complete course. I’m part of your team. I’m available on the phone and via messaging to support you not just during the course but following the course until you have your baby and feel settled as a family. I take on fewer clients so I can be more focused with the families I support.

    The structure that seems to work well is 3 or 4 sessions (the beauty of a 1-1 course is that this can be completely flexible)

    What’s included:

    8 hours of teaching in your own home or online at dates and times to suit you.

    7 wonderful hypnosis/ relaxation MP3s

    The Little Birth Company Hypnobirthing Manual and access to my library of birth books

    Affirmation and ‘BRAINS’ cards

    A beautiful personalised gift

    Refreshments and delicious snacks during the sessions

    Continued support via messages / phone until the birth of your baby and for the early weeks with a newborn

    Local knowledge of birth and baby services

    The ENTIRE cost of the course deducted from the Enhanced or Complete Birth Doula package if you decide to hire me as your Doula or if I’m available to attend your birth!

    Price: £1250

  • The 1-2-1 Hypnobirthing Workshop

    2.5 hour session, one to one in your own home or online

    This is a condensed version of the complete course, a whistle stop tour of hypnobirthing! Ideal for those who would like a refresher, are limited with time, or are already doing antenatal education.

    What’s included:

    7 wonderful hypnosis/ relaxation MP3s

    The Little Birth Company Hypnobirthing Manual

    Affirmation and ‘BRAINS’ cards

    Refreshments and delicious homemade snacks during the sessions

    Local knowledge of birth and baby services

    The ENTIRE cost of the course deducted from Any birth Doula package if you decide to hire me as your Doula!

    Price: £350

Why did I choose The Little Birth Company?

When I decided to add hypnobirthing to my birth services I had already been teaching antenatal education for several years. It was fundamental that I find a training provider that matched my core values and ethos. I was drawn to The Little Birth Company for several reasons; they don’t push any one type of birth as the ‘ideal’, they focus on supporting expectant parents to achieve a positive experience and recognise that this could look different for each person, and they offer me ongoing support and access to an incredible community of fellow hypnobirthing instructors who lift each other up (celebrating other birth workers is my style!). I also love the materials that I can provide my clients with!