‘‘Jen is an incredible doula who combines warmth, sensitivity and understanding with expertise, professionalism and a wealth of knowledge. She is incredibly adept at making you feel empowered and advocated for when navigating birth and the medical system that surrounds it.’’

“In short, Jen proved to be everything we were hoping for and so much more. From moment one, Jen immediately understood where we were coming from and connected with our values and preferences for Natalia's birth experience.”

“Jen was excellent in reminding staff of what was on my birth plan (golden hour, keeping lights and noises low, wanting to keep the placenta, etc.) She was wonderful in supporting my husband when I needed to go to theatre (to ultimately have the placenta removed). If anything, I wish I would have been allowed to just keep her with me in the first days after the birth when I had to remain in hospital!”

 Who am I as a Doula?

What does it feel like to work with me? I’m on your team. I’m there to support you and your partner, unconditionally, I don’t work for anyone else, I’m not beholden to hospital policies and shifts. As your Doula I don’t go ‘off shift’! We build a trusting relationship, and that’s how I like it. That’s why I don’t compromise on the packages I offer, there is no compromise for me when it comes to supporting you through this incredible life event.


I have your back at every twist and turn. Birth is unpredictable; when you see a large range of health care professionals along the way I will be your constant. Whilst it’s not always possible to get continuity of care within the NHS, this is my offering to you. I’ll be there for you throughout.

You will feel safe, cared for and understood. I’m not going to make decisions for you or tell you what to do (you don’t need any more of this!), I’m there to support you in finding YOUR power. You’ll confidently be able to navigate birth, with me at your side.

What’s important to me as a doula; That I get to know you, that we build trust and understanding; I don’t advocate a certain type of birth (hospital / home / vaginal / caesarean). I advocate for POSITIVE birth - and that looks different for every person, and it could change throughout our time together. This is why it’s so important to me to offer a completely bespoke service to you. I support you wherever and however you decide to birth.

Why have a Doula?

There is evidence to show that having a doula can mean:

  • Reduced risk of Caesarean birth † *

  • Reduced risk of instrumental birth † *

  • Reduced need for painkillers or epidural during birth † *

  • Reduced rate of induction of labour † *

  • Shorter labour †

  • Increased parental satisfaction with the birth experience †

  • Increased likelihood of initiating breastfeeding *

  • Increased likelihood of successfully establishing breastfeeding & breastfeeding at 6 weeks *

  • Lower incidence of depressive symptomatology †

  • Improve equity and provide culturally responsive care #


* Brigstocke S. MIDIRS Midwifery Digest, vol 24, no 2, 2014, pp 157-160

#Meghan A Bohren and Sarah Chapman Cochrane review

† Hodnett ED, Gates S, Hofmeyr G, Sakala C. Continuous support for women during childbirth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD003766. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003766.pub5 and Bohren MA, Hofmeyr GJ, Sakala C, Fukuzawa RK, Cuthbert A. Continuous support for women during childbirth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017, Issue 7. Art. No.: CD003766. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003766.pub6.

What services are on offer?

As a Doula I support and respect you unconditionally. I always offer a free, no pressure initial consultation so you can decide if I am the right Doula for you.

Standard Birth Doula Package

  • You need to feel comfortable with me, I’m going to be present at the birth of your baby! I always offer this initial visit or zoom call (free of charge) to make sure that I am the right Doula for you.

  • With the standard package the continuous support starts from the third trimester (around 27 weeks). From then on you don’t have to wait until our next appointment for a chat, I’m there for you when YOU need the extra care. This is going to support you in enjoying pregnancy and looking forward to birth. This support continues until 6 weeks after the birth (on the phone or via messaging). I am there to support you every step of the way.

  • 2 scheduled antenatal sessions are your opportunity to get prepared for birth! You will have the confidence and knowledge to decide on your preferences and learn about the options and recommendations that may come your way. We discuss your choices around aspects of labour and birth and create an individualised birth plan (or birth preferences as I prefer to call it!). During these sessions I will get to know you and your partner even more and find out about your wishes. These sessions are around 2 hours long take place in your own home. With all of my packages I offer an additional session in the form of a coffee catch up as you approach (or pass!) your estimated due date.

  • You have the reassurance that I will be there for the birth come what may! You don’t have to worry about if I’m on shift or not! I’m on call for you 24/7 from around 38 weeks to 42 weeks. We will have discussed in depth about how and when to contact me.

  • You’ll know that you have someone by your side that you’ve built a relationship with. You’ll have the confidence of continuity of care. My calming presence will be with you in labour from when you need me, during birth and until you are settled after your baby has arrived and once that first feed has been established. I will know your birth preferences inside out and be advocating for you and supporting your partner. Advocacy is a massive part of my role - Its what I love to do.

  • My care doesn’t stop after the birth, I form part of your support network to ensure you have access to the relevant support. You will feel confident to navigate life as a parent! I will come and see you for a postnatal visit where you can reflect on your birth experience and decide if you would like any further support. Remember my support to you continues to around 6 weeks post-birth via messages and calls. You’ll be able to call or message me when you need that added support and reassurance, this is going to help with your recovery and confidence in parenting.

Price: £2250

Enhanced Birth Doula Package (recommended for first time parents)

This package is highly recommended for first time parents and / or if you are looking for support before the third trimester.

What does the enhanced package included? Absolutely everything that’s included in the standard package plus a full antenatal or hypnobirthing course (We will have four x 2hr antenatal sessions). All hypnobirthing tracks, resources and an accompanying manual are included. The in-depth continuity of care will start from the point you hire me no matter how early!

I know that the more face to face sessions we have before birth, the better. You get to feel more confident and prepared. Hypnobirthing has amazing benefits and one of the options with the enhanced package is to do a full hypnobirthing course with all the materials included. The hypnobirthing course will leave you feeling so confident and with loads of practical skills and tips to have that positive experience.

Price: £2750

Complete Birth Doula Package (recommended for first time parents)

This package really covers everything you could need from a birth doula and comprehensive antenatal education, you will feel fully prepared and excited for birth! We have 5 antenatal sessions which are bespoke to your needs. You will get to cover everything you need in these sessions from full antenatal education to how to feed and care for your baby. I’ll also be available to attend midwife / hospital visits with you; This is such an important part of pregnancy and I will be there to help you process these sometimes intense appointments. You will have the confidence to advocate for yourself every step of the way, and when this feels too draining - let me be there to support you!

Price: £3500

Birth Preparation Course + Virtual Doula - ‘Jen in your pocket’

THE most important part of my work as a doula is to build up a trusting relationship with you and give you that continuity of care; you can still have this with me as your virtual doula!! This offering is flexible, designed to meet your needs.

How it works:

We have 4 ‘face to face’ sessions (these can be in person if you’re in the West Midlands or online if you’re further afield). This option can include the Complete Hypnobirthing Course (see hypnobirthing page) but essentially its completely bespoke to your needs - I don’t work with a one size fits all mentality! As well as these 4 sessions I’m on hand to give you all the support you need over the phone from the third trimester (in a format that works for you). Do you have a hospital appointment coming up and would like to feel prepared; I’m here for you. Have you just had an appointment and want to discuss it with someone that knows you and knows birth; I’m here for you. Have you gone over that ridiculously annoying ‘due date’ and want the support of someone who’s not going to ask ‘any signs?!’; I’m here for you.

Here are a few of the reasons people have decide to take advantage of this support:

  • Finances wont allow a full doula package.

  • I’m fully booked around your due month

  • I’m away during your due month

  • You don’t live near to me

  • You want all the support of a doula in pregnancy and that’s enough for you.

  • If you decide you would like my support during birth the cost of this package is deducted from the enhanced package.

Price: £1250